Our Services

Our main food distribution takes place on Tuesday's from 10:00am-3:45pm and is set up as a 'drive-thru' model in which clients pull into our garage and are loaded up with between 70-100 pounds of food depending on household size. Clients are given not only canned goods, but fresh items like produce, milk, eggs, and frozen meat items.
*No distribution on the 5th Tuesday of the month
Tuesday Distribution

Second Thursday Shopping Distribution​
On the second Thursday of each month, we have an 'in-person shopping' distribution from 3:00pm-6:00pm in which clients can come inside the building to choose all of their food options.

Emergency Bags
If you need food outside of our regular distributions, we can provide a 20 pound bag of non-perishable items Monday-Thursday (please call ahead to set up pick-up time).
Eligibility & Income Guidelines
We do have income guidelines for our services (annual household income of 300% or less of the federal poverty guidelines) but income is self-reported and documentation is not required. You are also eligible for our services if you participate in any of the following services:
Child Care Assistance or General Assistance
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
NAPS (Nutritional Assistance Program for Seniors)
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
Head Start
Section 8
Public Housing
Energy Assistance/Weatherization